Tips for bringing baby home

Tips for bringing baby home

Becoming a parent can be intimidating and scary. And with so much happening before your newborn can come home, it can be hard to think ahead or remember a plan. You may have children or pets waiting at home who will also be adjusting to the new addition. You may also be overwhelmed with friends and family overly eager to visit. Don’t stress and be ready with these tips for bringing baby home.

Choosing A New Pediatrician

Choosing A New Pediatrician

As a new parent, choosing a Pediatrician can be a difficult choice.  After all, this person will be a part of your life for 18 years. We always encourage parents to do their research and ask questions. To begin your search, get referrals from your...
What Parents Should Know About Talking to Their Child

What Parents Should Know About Talking to Their Child

Being a new parent is not easy. Between feedings, changing diapers, and running errands, parents barely have a spare moment to breathe. Combine that with the countless how-to parenting books and articles that are thrown at them on a daily basis and it’s easy to see...