When you are starting your back to school checklist, make sure that you have a Well Check scheduled with your Pediatrician. Well Checks are the backbone of preventative medicine. They establish a baseline of health for your child, help us spot anything unusual, and let us talk about your child’s development and educational needs.
A Regular Well Check Includes:
- Checking your child’s vitals: temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate
- Checking height, weight and head circumference (in infants) and assessing growth percentiles
- Questions about the child’s diet, elimination and sleeping habits from your Pediatrician
- Assessing developmental milestones by asking parents about the child’s speech and motor skills
- A full physical exam
- Any age-specific immunizations
- Guidance from your Pediatrician regarding safety, nutrition, family dynamics, and discipline
Specific Age Well Checks Includes:
- Developmental screening at 18 months with a formal Autism questionnaire
- Annual blood pressure screening, starting around three years of age
- Anemia screening through evaluating hemoglobin levels at one and two years of age
- Screening for lead toxicity at one and two years of age
- Annual vision and hearing screening, starting around three years of age
- Fluoride recommendations, starting with the first eruption of teeth until your child is receiving routine dental visits
Bringing your child in to get a yearly checkup after they are three years-old or older from their Pediatrician is a great way to ensure that your child is developing and growing correctly. It also is a way to give you peace of mind as a parent, to make sure that your child is properly vaccinated, and to prepare for the new year. For older children a Well Check is also considered clearance for their sports teams and camps!
If you have any questions, concerns or want to schedule a Well Check with us, please call 540-349-3225.