Concussions and What To Do

Concussions and What To Do

Concussions are head injuries that can occur due to sports, physical activity, or an accident. These injuries can range in severity and often present common symptoms like headaches and dizziness. This guide to concussions and what to do will outline the basics and...

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Guiding Toddler Exploration

Guiding Toddler Exploration

 It's during the toddler years that children begin to grow their independence, learn about their surroundings, and understand how the world works. And there's a lot to learn! Guiding toddler exploration is essential for children to develop in a safe environment....

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Teen Hygiene Tips

Teen Hygiene Tips

Teen development is most associated with puberty and the changes that come along with it. These changes in hormones can lead to some unwelcome symptoms like acne and body odor. By implementing these teen hygiene tips, your teen will feel happier and healthier. It's...

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Spring Back to the Outdoors

Spring Back to the Outdoors

Heading outdoors after being stuck inside can feel like a breath of fresh air. Because it is! Fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for kids and their overall wellness. There are many mental and physical benefits to gain from spending time outside. Plus there are ways...

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Helping Kids with Homework

Helping Kids with Homework

Homework is a big part of education. It provides students with the skills to work independently, to time manage and to do their best work. Parents and guardians can make a big difference when it comes to helping kids with homework. That doesn't mean you have to step...

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Bonding with Baby

Bonding with Baby

Bonding is the way to describe the warm fuzzy feeling you get when spending time with your baby. You may not realize it, but there are times in daily caregiving when you're already bonding with your baby. Say you're in the middle of changing a diaper, and suddenly...

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Handling Strep Throat

Handling Strep Throat

Strep throat is more common than you may realize. Up to 3 in 10 children who have a sore throat are suffering from strep. Handling strep throat can be overlooked since it requires a thorough check and tests to identify strep from a common sore throat. Keep reading as...

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Common Bug Bites and How to Treat Them

Common Bug Bites and How to Treat Them

Bugs are a part of warmer weather. While some bugs do stick around during the colder months, they become much more common in spring and summer. Bugs like mosquitos, ticks, and spiders are common to come across. We'll take a look at these common bug bites and how to...

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Common Sleep Problems in Teens

Common Sleep Problems in Teens

Have you ever heard of a situation where a teenager is sleeping well into the afternoon? You may have even heard teens getting into trouble over this. But it's actually natural and very much needed. Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep and the majority of teens are not...

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Spring Allergies – Causes and Treatments

Spring Allergies – Causes and Treatments

Spring is a beautiful time of the year when trees bloom and flowers blossom. When all these plants start coming back to life, that means spring allergies are coming back too. Even if your child has never experienced allergy symptoms before, they could develop as they...

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Headaches in Kids: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Headaches in Kids: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Welcome to our guide about headaches in kids! In this blog, we'll review the different types of head pain your little ones might encounter – from pesky tension headaches to notorious migraines. We'll dig into the everyday things that can trigger these headaches and...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in Kids

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in Kids

As the days get shorter and the winter chill sets in, it's not just the cold that some kids may be feeling. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in kids can be a surprise to them and parents. While we usually hear about it in adults, kids aren't immune. This blog dives...

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Food Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

Food Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches, we're gearing up for a feast that we look forward to all year. But let's not forget the unsung hero behind the scenes—food safety. Here we're dishing out tips to make sure your Thanksgiving celebration is not just scrumptious but also safe....

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Tackling School-Related Stress

Tackling School-Related Stress

Navigating the school years can be a challenging journey for children and teenagers. Yet, school-related stress is a common and often overlooked issue. As parents, recognizing the signs of stress in their children and understanding the key stressors they may face is...

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