School is virtual, parents are working from home unless they are essential, and the youngest children are running around being not exactly conducive to a learning environment. All these things lead to one big question: are daycares, nannies, or baby sitters safe...
Now that virtual school is official for at least the first part of the school year, we know that the at-home stress levels are probably higher than ever. In addition to being a parent and an employee or boss, you now have to be an adjunct teacher or professor. To help...
Our office continues to do everything in our power to make sure that we protect you and your family while still being able to be your medical home. We have laid out the quick facts about the changes in our office below and on our site. Please call our office at...
Our office wants to continue to make sure that you and your family stay healthy during this time, that’s why attending Well Check appointments and receiving vaccines are imperative. Well Checks are the backbone of preventative medicine. Well Checks establish baseline...
We know that by now, you have been inside for a while, and sometimes, all the days seem to be the same. You might be running out of things to do with your family. Well have no fear! We have compiled a fun list of things to do during screen time, without technology,...